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Melody Brooks is navigating sixth grade as a nonverbal wheelchair user who has cerebral palsy. With[展开全部]
Melody Brooks is navigating sixth grade as a nonverbal wheelchair user who has cerebral palsy. With the help of some assistive technology and her devoted, exuberant allies, Melody shows that what she has to say is more important than how she says it. Out of My Mind presents a sincere experience of teenage girlhood through the lenses of disability and belonging. Director Amber Sealey crafts a world around Melody that is all too familiar; at once full of love, fun, and opportunity, yet systemically unfair to those who are different. Actress Phoebe-Rae Taylor, who similarly lives with cerebral palsy, embodies Melody from a place of authenticity and heart. Melody’s wants courageously steer this narrative — her desires to prove her intelligence, befriend girls her age, and, ultimately, break free from the limiting preconceptions of others, are both unique and deeply universal. This is a powerful story about finding one’s voice, bolstered by the collective passion and advocacy of those who are willing to really listen.—CA 源自:https://festival.sundance.org/program/film/656a0188fac9f44f88c04164[收起部分]